Our Million Dollar Women Coaches
Our team of independent Million Dollar Women Coaches are certified to work one-on-one with other female entrepreneurs both independently, and in the program Million Dollar Women Masterclass.
Amita Sherwood
Coaching specialties: Continuous improvement (Lean, Six Sigma), Leadership, Teams, entrepreneurship
Certifications: MDW Coach Certification, Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt
Website: https://www.esquaredsolutions.biz/
Contact: [email protected]
Barbara Rhodes Melvin
Coaching specialties: Personal and Business Growth & Development, Financial Literacy , Mentoring
Certifications: MDW Coach Certification, John Maxwell
Website: https://bmr-melvinconsulting.com/
Contact: [email protected]
Helen Krug von Nidda
Coaching specialties: Career coaching, Life and career Transition coaching, Executive coaching
Certifications: MDW Coach Certification, Coaches Training Institute, PCC, Certified Career Counsellor, TDS team diagnostics Level 1, NLP, level 1
Website: https://www.with-helen.com
Contact: [email protected]
Yolanda Christopher
Coaching specialties: Leadership Empowerment Strategist. I want to help successful women entrepreneurs achieve the kind of positive, lasting change and behavior; for themselves and their teams, that leads them to achieve greater success.
Certifications: MDW Coach Certification
Website: https://yolandachristopher.com/
Contact: [email protected]